Introducing TechX, TechX Exec

April fools! Hope you enjoyed it :)

Today, we are announcing a far-reaching realignment of TechX that will enable us to innovate with greater speed, efficiency and capability in a fast changing world.

TechX has always had a big vision - to empower students through technology. In the earliest days, we innovated on the career fair through TechFair, shifting the focus to a technology driven expo. Since then, we’ve come farther than we could have imagined. In the past 5 years alone, we’ve tripled the events we run and quadrupled our contribution back to campus.

There are three parts to this announcement - TechX, LLC., the TechX Command Center, and our new office.

TechX, LLC.

While MIT has provided TechX with an abundance of resources, recently we’ve been experiencing growing pains. To enable TechX to have a more global reach, we are disassociating from MIT and creating TechX, LLC.

This is a big undertaking. It touches nearly every piece of what we do and how we work. It changes our org structure, the way we collaborate, how we allocate resources, how we best empower our engineers and how we market.

While the switch to this new LLC leaves much to be done, we are excited to continue moving forward.

TechX Command Center

As part of today’s announcement and the switch to TechX, LLC, we are creating the TechX Command Center - a group of individuals poised to lead the company in a great direction.

These individuals will oversee the day-to-day operations of TechX, LLC. Margaret Tian and Andreea Martin will serve as co-chairs of the board of directors.

Each is crucial to the developement of TechX, but real development starts from our members. Our members can expect the same level of camaraderie and leadership they’ve always received from these leaders.

New Office

As part of today’s announcement, we’re proud to reveal our new office. Seated in the heart of Seoul, South Korea, one of the largest city centers in the world - SK TechX will foster a greater sense of community than 5-23x could ever provide. A beautiful 20 story tower, the office will feature microkitchens on every floor, 4 cafeterias and 2 game rooms. Seoul is a vibrant city, booming with technological innovation. Among other things, we’re looking forward to meeting our new Korean neighbors.

You can see photos of the opening here.

Going Forward

Going forward, our strategy will focus on creating a family of events and services for students and learners that empower people around the globe. We believe our new structure and new office building will be conductive to our global vision.

We will innovate by leveraging our strengths. We have powered our campus for many years through xFair, HackMIT, MakeMIT, ProjX, and THINK. We have delivered high-value experiences through these events and other programs. The form of delivery shifts to a broader set of devices and services versus packaged software. The frontier of high-value scenarios we enable will march outward, but we have strengths and proven capabilities on which we will draw.

Let’s look toward our bright future,

TechX Exec


As always, you can contact us below:

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: TechX
Twitter: @mittechx

April fools ;)